Monday, September 27, 2010


Umm I'm not sure what I'm feeelllliiinnngg, basically a multitude of things, none of them
that pleasant. I've come to realize that I'm a terrible person for the next few reasons; 1) I mess with people's emotions, and try to make them feel as bad as I do, as a way to "get back at them" even though I have no reason to be getting back at them at all. 2) I'm a greedy, uncaring person. I mess with friendships so that way I can be happy, make sure people don't talk to each other so that way I don't get jealous because quite frankly, I am a very jealous person. Which leads me to believe that I'm not a good person to date, so that's what I'm
going to tell people, that I'm "unfit" to date. It'll ensure that whoever wants to date me stays happy, and possibly forgets me in the process. I always just drag people down and blame them for my own insequirities. I'm actually kind of done numbering these because it's turned more into a rant. The point is, I shouldn't date people and I'm a terrible person. I also let sooo many friendships die, then again so did the other person? But they probably did try and it was just me that let them go. Trying to gain them back would be...I don't even know. I've become a nobody, let myself be a nobody, so nothing left to do but let this nobody fade away.

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