Monday, May 10, 2010

It Will Never End

It's almost 4 am, just another night ruined by the dreams of a destroyed mind. So many things have happened this week, possible good things, but still nothing seems better... I got a friend back, Kevin, although that was somewhat unnavoidable. I was planning on being friends with him but I didn't think it'd be so soon. The only issue is that I don't trust him, I'll be his friend, and let him be mine, but when it comes down to it he'll hurt me just as easily as he's done before. The other issue is the new girlfriend I have, Katie, although I'm EXTREMELY happy about going out with her she doesn't do much to help, or at least she doesn't know how...which will be a problem. It makes me feel like she'll end up just like every other girlfriend in the past, and that things will go badly again. I don't want things to go horribly wrong...I'm on the last lifeline as it is...all I know is that there's this empty hole in my chest which has yet to be filled.

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