Saturday, September 24, 2011

The Essence of Us

And I smiled at last as our lips touched outside your door. I can finally forget about you, about all the other's that were forced into the every thought of my mind. Things might be different now, I have another chance...but I shouldn't hope for too much. I am happy for now.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


I feel like rambling on for this blog, nothing specific, just my thoughts as they cone to mr, which will probably turn this into a mess. I don't understand what to do anymore with my life. None of it feels like it matters in the slightest. I remind myself how I used to talk to so many people, now it's only a person from Georgia and my family. Everyone's gone, or is leaving, which I guess adds to the point of growing up. Is it worth it? I want to scream my fucking lungs out how I want to die. I tell myself, "Don't worry Brandon, just be optimistic!" but how can I be? It's so god damn pointless. I'm reminded of how we used to talk, and I wish that I could go back to Freshman year. Back then, the only thoughts in my wad were how boring class was or how everyone else was doing, but I was happy, or at least content. I don't understand how to feel happy anymore, or for at least an entire day. Is it surrounding myself with friends that I don't talk to outside of hanging out? Friends that I'll probably have no meaningful relationship with in the future? I've already lost a ton of people that I used to talk to, and now I can't even remember who most of them were. Is happiness playing a video-game or watching a movie by yourself until your eyes hurt? Or is it destroying your body on top of a towel, because you're still conscious about the mess you make? I don't know to feel good anymore. And most of all I want to tell you how I feel for you, but I can't. It wouldn't make any fucking sense because I've changed, and now I'm a terrible person. I want to honestly tell you how I've been, show you everything I've been doing, but what good will that do? I'm such a fucking loser... Bryan tries to help me out though. He says that I'm invited to Miranda's dorm with him, and is even meeting people so that I can talk to them. But it's so dark right now...and I feel so alone. I want to call you, or at least text you and ask how you are. It'd be the same conversation though, with it just ending the same way. I want to go back to how I used to be, happy and carefree. But how the fuck do you do that? I claw at myself just hoping that something magical will happen and I'll either freakishly die or be saved. But this isn't a fairytail, or a horror movie, it's reality and I don't know how to escape myself. I fucking suck and everyone knows it. My head hurts from thinking, and my eyes hurt from crying. I want to tell you of this, hoping that maybe you'll understand how I feel and we'll actually be able to communicate. BUT NONE OF IT FUCKING MATTERS. I'll say what I really want to say, but only before I can actually end it. Funny thing is that I'm probably just all talk.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Victory Lap

Oh-ho-ho I can't WAIT to flip out on her in person! It's going to he sooooo good to finally have her realize just how much she sucks. Also, I'm a terrible person.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Nothing Is Real

I. Hate. Everyone. Except for Bryan, but besides that I hate ALMOST every person for one reason or another. Friends, family, everyone. There's always one thing I just want to scream my head off at them for. But then again, I'm really just angry at myself for being such a loser, so that's who I'll take it out on. No one else is actually at fault, I just...can't stand people or life.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Please save me from myself

I see his face everywhere. I'm so afraid. Afraid to sleep. Afraid to dream. Afraid of the dark. Afraid to be alone.

Lights Out...better run

There he is, I see him everywhere, watching, grinning the evil grin. He was in a dream, a nightmare, but now his face is stuck in my mind. A lot of nightmares I remember with a fairly detailed description, but this man's face...the's tattooed into my brain. I can't forget about it. He's wherever it is dark; in my room, in the hallway, OUTSIDE. He just stands there, staring at me, convincing me that up against him I won't survive. No matter what I do, I see his face in the darkness. It makes me want to cry.

Friday, September 9, 2011

After all, it's only our lives anyway

If it wasn't for my family or Bryan, I don't know what I would've done by now. I'm not saying anything major WOULD happen, but it would've definitely been a bigger possibility. My life is just stuck in a loop now. Go to work, go home, continue the same thing the next day. I do hang out with Kevin or Bryan, but how long can I go on like that before feeling completely empty? What's the point if your life ends up on repeat? Not only that, but I still like her....a lot... Or maybe I'm just physically attracted? I'd love to get this out of the way so I don't have to feel so insignificant, which that won't change as long as nothing else does, which it won't. I have trouble remembering how I made friends or girlfriends in school, but I'm even more clueless as to how you do it outside of school. Guess I'll be stuck trying to figure out if I should attempt to date the same people again, or if I should pretend to be comfortable alone. I do know one thing, I'd love to share a bed with you.